Test Equipment for Traffic Signal Control Systems

Athens Technical Specialists, Inc. 

ASIT 5500 Tester

Compatible with any SIU that conforms to the ATC 5301 v02.02 Model 2218 SIU standards.

The ASIT-5500 (tester) will run a series of comprehensive tests on the SIU to verify that it is functioning in compliance with the ATC standard. The ATC standard that defines SIU operation is a joint publication of NEMA, AASHTO and ITE. The tests are subject to the limitations of what is feasible and practical in a simulated testing environment.

The following functions will be tested to ensure compliance with the ATC Cabinet Standard (ATC 5301 v02.02).
● Proper supply voltage and current management
● Correct input/output functionality
● Working communications/SIU frames
● Correct Linesync/NRESET/Addressing acknowledgement

The Tester connects to a Windows based computer with a USB connection. The ASIT-5500 Test Manager software controls the Tester and allows the users to run manual or automated tests.